Welcome to the Dunoon Area Green Map

Community made maps that share information about sustainable resources and challenges at a local level.

Add new information to the Dunoon Reuse Repair and Care map

New Green Map coming soon to Dunoon

Biodiversity map

Learn about Green Map making

Our learning programme starts March 2023.


The Dunoon Area Green Map supports the creation of local Green Maps to help a range of stakeholders, including community groups and the local authority exchange information about sustainable assets and challenges.

By supporting local people to create Green Maps in Dunoon, we hope to gather data in map form that enables people to explore what sustainable development means locally and to inform local action on climate change rooted in community knowledge.

Green Maps highlight resources such as biodiversity spots, reuse and repair facilities, bike routes, flood risk, water quality, heritage and lots more. 

Green Mapmaking is done by people living locally using tools which include the Green Map icons and Green Map Platform.

Want to know more about Green Maps?

Contact us

Contact us to find out more about Green Map making in Dunoon

Supported by:
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